프로젝트 설명
All-Sky Camera SRF-02
기상환경카메라 ,기상관측카메라, 기상관측, 태양광
- Cloud cover fraction detection
- Operates under full sunlight conditions (Auto exposure)
- 180° field of view for image of the sky
- Weather proof housing with heater system
- Remote controlled by PC through TCP/IP network

The SRF-02 the new generation All-sky camera has some unique features to make clear full hemispheric pictures of the sky even under full sun light conditions. With the find clouds software detection algorithms and the horizon determination tool are particularly interesting features for photovoltaic evaluation applications. The latest software version provides sophisticated algorithms to perform thin and thick layer cloud analysis.
The camera is operated through the MS-Windows control software which comes wit the camera. The software gives much flexibility and functions for example to define the area of interest by horizon masking and zenith masking.
Including the SRF-02 All-sky camera into your solar monitoring system will maximize the research capabilities. The cloud cam can be used weather and cloud observations, development for grid power management and evaluating PV performance and solar forecasting purposes.
The All Sky Camera is a fully automatic imaging system that captures images of the total sky. Since clouds and aerosols substantially contribute to the attenuation of solar irradiance at ground level, the sky imager provides quantitative data of the sky conditions on site. When sky images are captured, cloud fraction is automatically calculated by the software. The cloud camera can also be used to monitor the solar position and detect potential shading obstacles at a PV site. The software gives much flexibility and functions for example to define the area of interest by horizon masking.
The SRF-02 can be easily connected to a computer network through the standard Ethernet interface. High speed data transfer is required to upload all images.
The cloud camera consists of a digital camera with a 2M pixel resolution in a weatherproof housing. A 180° field of view optic provides the possibility to make color pictures of the sky. The system allows making pictures with automated normal exposure time and under-exposure time. This unique method allows analysis of the sky and cloudiness under full sun light conditions without the need for a shading device.
A sun screen is available and recommended to be used in tropic and sub-tropic climates.
Specifications | SRF-02 |
01) Controller | Embedded PC / Auto-exposure |
02) Communication | TCP / IP Ethernet |
03) Sky picture format | JPEG, 2 M pixel |
04) Housing | Weatherproof |
05) Data volume | 60 MB / 1 day pictures @ 10 minutes |
06) Operating system | Win XP, Vista, Win 7 and 8 |
07) Dimensions / Weight | 20 x 20 x 20 cm / 3 kg |
08) Sunscreen (Optional) | Large diameter sun screen |
09) Power supply (100 – 230 VAC) | 12V/1A (3W/6W (Heating Off/On) |
10) Temperature range | -15ºC to 40ºC |
11) Internal heater | 3W (Activated at temperatures < 18 ºC) |